Saturday, March 13, 2010

Bowling Video of the Day--Pete Weber's Power Ball

"There is no point in trying to throw a big hook here and getting some weird shot."
--Nelson Burton Jr.

Have you ever done this? Don't feel too bad. It can happen to the best of them, and not only when they're throwing their fill ball, as you'll see tomorrow.


  1. I saw two of these last week. I don't think I had ever seen one before. I wonder if it has ever been picked up.

  2. I answered my own question. Looks like it took a big hook as you would expect:

  3. Thanks for the link. I'll have to remember that technique the next time I leave one of those. :-)

  4. No problem. Even though I now know the technique, I think I could pull it off like once in a thousand tries.

  5. I'm pretty good with the thumbless release; I used it for years for my strike ball and for some spares. But I think it would still take me MORE than a thousand tries to convert the 5-7-10 with a light house ball. Nevertheless, before league or a tournament, I better pick out a light ball from the house racks and always have it with me just in case I need it. :-)
