Monday, January 11, 2010

Introducing This Blog

There are a fair number of bowling blogs around, but I think this one's going to be a little different. You see, most bowling blogs I've looked at are maintained either by real experts or by people posing as experts for other experts or would-be experts, or they're written by novices for other novices. But I'm going to try to make this a blog for everyone. My hope is that anyone who likes to bowl or follow bowling can come here and find something interesting, entertaining, and informative about this great sport.

I'm going to write a lot about professional bowling in the United States, especially the national PBA Tour when it's in session. But I'm also going to write about regional pro and intercollegiate bowling and bowlers in America, male and female professional and amateur bowling and bowlers all over the world, and countless other subjects related to bowling. If you want to know about the physical and psychological aspects of bowling from beginner to advanced levels, you should be able to find information here. I'm not an expert. I'll have more to say about my background in a moment. But I can share with you what I do know about the game, I have a pretty good sense of what I don't know about it (which is plenty), and I can point you to websites, books, and other material created by people who know what I don't know about bowling that can definitely help you improve your knowledge and your game.

I'll be reviewing bowling books, magazines, magazine articles, websites, videos on YouTube and elsewhere, and anything else I run across that I find interesting and think you might too. And I'm open to your suggestions of what you'd like to see me do with this blog and share with you that I haven't thought of and done myself. I'd like this to be not just a blog about bowling, but a community of people who love the game and want to share their enthusiasm with me and each other.

In my next post, I'll tell you a little about my bowling background.

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