Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Jason Belmonte Bowls 300 Wearing Google Glass

Google Glass and similar products may be one of the next big things off and on the bowling lanes. Recently, Jason Belmonte, arguably the world's greatest bowler at the present time and seemingly a shoo-in for PBA Player of the Year this season, became what is no doubt the first person to wear Google Glass while bowling a 300 game and recording the feat for posterity. Below is the remarkable Belmo's-eye view of every shot.

Needless to say, the possibilities for this kind of technology for bowling are tantalizing. I can envision glasses such as these eventually measuring and providing feedback on ball speed and rev rate, and displaying in one's field of vision lane oil distribution patterns and suggesting the best line to play with which ball and at what speed and with which release. Tied in to one or more cameras from behind and to the side, they could be an amazing virtual coach that analyzes every shot and tells you what to correct and how to do it. Many bowling coaches, except, perhaps, for those designing the analytic and coaching programs for this new technology, might need to look for other lines of full or part time work.

Check out the video below and tell us what you think.


  1. Love the Google Glass. Very cool technology. And to bowl a 300 and have it recorded. Awesome
